
My Inner Sanctum

Stories, Insights & reflections - some that have brought me joy, some that have brought me to my knees, and others that made me fuckin laugh. Maybe they’ll help you savor the yummy, breathe through the crappy, and do your best to create a balance between the two. I go deep here. This is not for the timid.

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Life Coaching Tips Brenda Ramos Life Coaching Tips Brenda Ramos

6 simple ways to stay grounded in the face of change

I've been living at my current residence for a combined total of 9ish years (details like time and years don’t stick in my brain). Anyway, my landlady has always been wonderful to me. She's worked with me when I couldn't pay my rent and she's incredibly generous, knocking off a couple hundred around the holidays. She truly is a beautiful person. The house is old, however, and really needs some major upgrades and maintenance. Stuff she's just tired of doing. So she put it up for sale as of August 4th. There was already an open house and there will be many more showings.

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