The Intention is simple:
to help you access your inherent wisdom.
Here’s how we do it…

01 — Breathe

Grounding Focus

Pause. Be present. Notice the thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations that are present for you in this moment. Choose to drop the stories. Choose to be with what-is without judgment. If you can, allow what you experience to move through you. Notice, Acknowledge, Honor, and Return to your anchor. Name three things you see or hear right now. Bring your attention to a part of your body that feels rooted, maybe your feet or your seat, or touching your fingertips to a tree. Locate the part of you that feels safe.

02 — Work

Part 1. Compassionate Curiosity

Connect with yourself. Go inward. Check-in with your heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit. Bring genuine curiosity with you to everything you experience. Journey into the who, what, when, where, and why of yourself, your life, and your choices. Get honest about your needs. Practice using your senses to inform you. Practice dropping into your body to heed the wisdom it naturally carries.

Part 2. Aligned Action

Connect with others. Collaborate. Make an impact. Reach out to your community to help process and hold space for healing together. Know your options. Stay committed to taking small, consistent steps towards the next experience that’s wise for you and good for the collective. Balance dreaming and planning with doing.

03 — Rest

Savoring Ease

Relax. Release false urgency. Honor your needs. Sleep more. Take 10 extra minutes in the shower or luxuriate in a bath. Spend a night in a hotel or at a friend’s place. Set aside 5 minutes, 1 hour, or whatever you choose to do nothing at all. Take naps. Integrate the lessons. Take three things off your to-do list every week. Know that some things won’t get done, and that’s okay. Schedule “do nadadamn thing” days by yourself or with your support crew where you’re not at all productive. Trust that your team or God/Nature/Source/Universe is at work when you are not.

04 — Play

Blissful Enjoyment

Express yourself. Create. Celebrate your wins. Take time to be grateful. Love up on yourself with extra self-care practices. Let your inner child out to play. Paint your first freehand artwork. Dance naked. Sing your favorite song out loud with the windows open. Buy yourself that special gift you’ve had your eye on. Join your community to share, rejoice, and grow together. Be naughty. Celebrate others in the most generous ways. Replenish your energy for the next round of growth.

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Need help connecting to your Authentic Whole Self? Download my 23-min guided meditation.

“Give yourself permission to breathe, work, rest, and play as the fullest expression of your authentic whole self”

— Brenda Ramos