
My Inner Sanctum

Stories, Insights & reflections - some that have brought me joy, some that have brought me to my knees, and others that made me fuckin laugh. Maybe they’ll help you savor the yummy, breathe through the crappy, and do your best to create a balance between the two. I go deep here. This is not for the timid.

Like my vibe and appreciate the work I’m doing in the world? You can buy me a coffee right HERE.

Buddhism, Meditation Brenda Ramos Buddhism, Meditation Brenda Ramos

Hello, my name is Kunga Yudron! It means All-Joy Turquoise Torch.

I don't know if I'll ever get married (did you read my last post?) and even if I do get married, I don't think I'll have a wedding. So this was it. This was the ceremony that I got to invite my friends and family to witness my commitment to something I genuinely love. And they got off the hook nicely. No registry! No gifts! They didn't even have to leave their homes.

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